Saturday, July 27, 2024
Editor's Note: 'High Rises' is the first novel to be serialized on DDR. It will initially be published on a weekly schedule.  Chapter I The Garden of Eden was scheduled to receive its first occupants in less than a week’s time....
Editor: Read Chapter I here. The wireless operator who burst into Rajesh’s tent was panting so much that his words were barely coherent. Rajesh looked up from his laptop with a jerk, a small frown on his forehead, his heartbeat...
Editor: Read Chapter II here.   Yaroslav nearly spilt his coffee when the pretty newsreader on TV announced the attacks in Mumbai. He was at breakfast with his wife and fourteen-year old son who was in his school uniform. His wife...
  Editor: Read Chapter III here.   ‘May I speak to Mr. Fitzwilliam Darcy, please?’ ‘Anjali! What’s up?’ ‘Darling Darcy, it’s me Elizabeth Bennett.’ ‘I was going to call you today Anjali.’ ‘Please call me Elizabeth.’ When rewarded with Rajesh’s silence, Anjali suggested, ‘at least call...
Editor: Read Chapter V here.   Anjali was on top of the world. Rajesh had been extremely pleased to see her as she emerged from the airport wearing a yellow salwar kameez, her hair flying in the breeze. Although, the police...
Editor: Read Chapter XI here.   Air Commodore Indradeep Ghosh was not in the best of moods as he struggled to reach the Himalaya in time for dinner. Normally, the prospect of a meal at the Himalaya, one of the best...
Editor: Read Chapter XIV here.   When Rajesh received the DIG’s summons, he expected to be asked for his views on interrogating Etayya and how best the new prisoner could be used to win the war against Maoism in Gadhchiroli. ‘You...
Editor: Read Chapter VI here.   Swapna was all by herself in the chawl. She followed news of the bombings with trepidation and excitement, knowing that they were on the cusp of the revolution. Once people lost confidence in their leaders...
Editor: Read Chapter IV here.   Ravi woke up and groggily wondered what time it was. His watch was under his pillow, but it was too dark to see the time. His mobile phone was with Sanket and he could make...
Editor: Read Chapter VII here.   Rajesh woke up bright and early and called Anjali. ‘How do you feel today?’ he asked her. ‘I’ve decided to forgive you. It’s not really your fault. Let’s make the best of this week,’ she said. Rajesh...



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